Cichlid Id


New Member
Sep 21, 2003
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Can anyone ID this Fish.:book:

Sorry for the crappy pic, cheap camera (30 bucks US).

That is an Iodotropheus Sprengerae. (AKA Rusty cichlid)

It is an algae grazing mbuna cichlid from lake Malawi in Africa. It grows to about 4 inches long, is moderately aggressive for it's type, and enjoys spirulina based foods and tankmates that are other mbuna of similar size and aggression. It's natural environment is alkaline waters in algae carpeted rock reefs with no plants or wood.
Darn Cichlids never turn off the light when they leave a room, worse than kids :D

And yes I believe it is a rusty, but have had comments about the vertical bars, could it be a hybrid? Came from an Assorted African tank at , well you know :/ , I rescued this fish like many other cichlids from undereducated chain stores. Anyway enough ranting, whew.

Judging by the shape and color I would venture to say that it is not a hybrid. Barring can be a sign of poor breeding, as well as stress. What size tank is he in, and what are his tankmates?
I think that cichlidaddict is on the certainly appears to be a rusty....

Another great addition to a Malawi tank


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