cichlid eggs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2004
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I have just seen my cichlid lay eggs for the 2nd time,the first time i made the mistake of removing the parents and eggs and transferring them to a hatchery,yup you geussed it the parents ate the eggs! now they have had more gees i need some advice such as how lond does it take for them to hatch? can i move the eggs to a hatchery? and are they normally fertilized right away?

i know i can move the eggs safely if it is ok to do so as they are in a small pot so there will be no trouble moving them.

i await response before i do anything

joni :cool:
What cichlids are they?

Why have you got to move them to a hatchery?

If you interfere again they will eat the eggs again.

Cichlids tend to have very good parental care why mess this up with a move?

If you have them in a community tank well they will have to take their chances.

If you want to rear young with a good success rate plan it.

Try setting up a breeding tank with just the pair in.
Hi fishman,
they are in a community tank.

i can take the eggs and transfer to hatchery without disturbing them

after this lot i am moving my fish to a 4 foot tank and will be leaving cichlids on there own as i only have 2

i am unsure what type they are and i have tried and failed to send photos to my post so if anyone wants to see them drop me an email and i will send photos

Hi Dave,
Hope these pictures help,i now have them in a keep tank and there is a bubble tube below it to keep the water flow going,if i have done wrong let me know, i have so many different types of community fish that i know when they are born they will be swallowed as soon as they swim,i was lucky enough 3 days ago to notice one of my plattys was fatter than usual and moved her now i have 10 baby plattys :D hopefully the same will happen here
Hi Dave,
i managed to get the airstone in place just beside the eggs but not in direct contact with them,i will keep you posted when anything develops.

thanx mate
john :cool:
Hi mate,

Have seen the pics you sent me. I would say that they are orange chromides. The pics are a little blurred but I am 90% possitive thats what they are. They chromides get to about 80mm in length.
What water have you got them in? Most of the info I have ever seen on them say they like slightly brackish water.

I hope you have some success. Make sure you got something to feed them on if the eggs hatch. Remember though that they will still have an egg sack for a day or so before you start with the food.
Hi Dave,
the fish are the size of the old 50p's.the water is slightly brackish and i have bought liquid form food so hopefully i am sorted!.

Do you know how long it takes for them to hatch? the eggs were layed about 2 days ago.


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