Chunk Missing From Guppy?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2009
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Tank size: 37 litres (10 gallon)
pH: alkaline
ammonia: n/m
nitrite: n/m
nitrate: n/m
kH: n/m
gH: n/m
tank temp: 28C - 26C, flactuates alot because we're almost out of a heatwave here in adelaide.

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): my poor little guppy atm has fin rot, which I have adding some sort of water conditioner/salt thing to. But for some reason I later noticed that there was a missing chunk out of my fish after the belly. Its horrific and I'm trying to see what I can do. Its really freaky and gross and im really worried atm, I dont think he will last. :\

it also keeps hanging behind the filter all day lately, and it hasnt been eating either ? god D:

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Been using a remedy for white spot and fungus past few days, which required water change every 3 days, but I have stopped that now because I have stopped the treatment because there were no more sick fish.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Some blue grains or something, that says its a water conditioner and it has minerals and salt in it. Also have water age (dechlorinator).

Tank inhabitants: 1 Guppy, 1 black skirt

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):

The images are so gross and horrific T_T

someone please help me save my fish asap !



First thing to rule out is bad water quality.
I would take a sample of your tank water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
I would also strongly suggest investing in some liquid test kits of your own.

The black widow tetra need to be larger tanks of 20 gallons.
Also they should be kept in groups,.
Has the othe fish in the tank caused the wound.
Sometimes it start of as a spot that ulcerates into a hole.
Is it possible to load a pic up.

Also never add meds till you know what you are treating for.
im getting some test kits of my own soon because im going to be setting up another tank.

in one of the threads it says min tank is 10 gallons ?

and also there were already links before.

also, the guppy died, i saw it in the morning floating at the bottom tank still moving around quite abit, dad saw it dead in the afternoon
Sorry to hear that your guppy died. I have a similar probelm with mine at the momemnt, clamped fins, lethargy finrot. Im treating for finrot and it worked but i have no i what the whole was as i couldnt really see it in the pics.

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