Chubby Glowlight Tetras


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2006
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Hey Everyone, Just Been Lookin At People Tank Pics And Realised That My Glowlights Are Extremely Fat Compared To Other Peoples.I Will Try My Best To Get A Pic Up For You All, But Is There Any Way They Can Lose Weight? They Were The Exact Same When I Bought Them. :/
how much bigger are they looking at your black neons? my book says blacks grow 1.5inch,
glowlights 2inch, i have glowlights the females are bigger than the males, you cant really put them on a diet :blink: ,lol,
if you could get a pic i would like to see them. how long have you had them? donna :)
Dont worry,mine are fat too.They seem to get bigger as they get older,mine look like there gonna burst when they have just eaten...i have 3 fems and 2 males,the fems are much bigger in size
I have like, the worlds largets Glow light tetra, who lived for 2 years in a pet carrier of like, 2 pints.....

Really Really sad story.
I had gotten back into fish keeping last year, and before i get into heavy reasearch ect, BAM.
Fall break i leave, come back, and apparently my brothers killed everything :-(

So THREE weeks later, i take the net out of the tank to toss everything out, and guess what's in there?
A single glowlight tetra, the smallest out of the bunch, whom wast stuck in a net, survived three weeks. No food.

Amazing. And then he had to live a year n' a half in a bug carrier. Well, about 2 months ago I got the 10 gallon I have now, and I love fish again. Unfortunatly, it's overstocked, but.... four days.... and there'll be a 40 gallon setting up in my room :nod:


But yeas, glowlight tend to get larger than what the stores say IMO.
Hehe, Well Done For Your Glowlight :D
Ive Got A Pic Now, Ill Upload Them
yeah. for my 40 gallon I'm thinking

7x Glowlight tetra
7x Cardinal tetra
7x black neon tetra
7x khuli loach
1x false flying fox,
1x dragon goby,
1x candy striped pleco
2x giant green cory (the lfs only has 2, meaning they won't be finding buds....)
7x some kind of small cory
5x bamboo shrimp (after it has been established a month and a half or two months)

Yesh. that should about do. I think I'll give the neon tetra to a friend whom has a shoal of them ^_^
I'll probably put a large slate rock in the 40 for the dragon goby to use for hiding, and then plant the tank moderatly heavy.....

and then perhaps get those smaller german blue rams once i reasearch them....

but heh, plans change. We'll see what happens when I actually set it up, look at fish again, and so on.

Then the question is, what to do with my 10 gallon? Dun dun dun.........
Good Luck With Your New Tank. Maybe Put Some Female Bettas In That 10 Gallon ??

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