Chu-zing a Fish Tank


New Member
Aug 5, 2004
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Cheshire, England
I'm getting a new fish tank soon, at first i was only looking for pretty coloured ones that (sing, dance and make tea!)

But now i wan't a decent one, not too big around 10 gallon -_- ?
Any ideas i live in england, cheshire if any one knows any where local.

This may sound silly, but i've had danio's tetra's etc. before and there great but is there anything a bit bigger, like colourful one (dare i say it .. like nemo, dory) i know there marine fish, but is there anything simalar?

The only fish i can think of that are colourful and big(ish) that would fit in a 10g would be gouramis, rams or kribs and even then only 3 - 4 fish max.
The problem is that most colourful tropical fish are big and therefore need a big tank, ie. Discus, Oscars, Cichlids

Just go with a bigger tank. You won't regret it, I promise. :fun:

Kuhli loaches are nice - they're about 4" and have black and orange stripes.
Being in the UK, try the freeads, or loot, or your local rag. There are always some great deals to be had in them. I got a 20g fluval duo tank (the one with 2 lights built in to the hood) with a brand new fluval 204, a used fluval 2+ and a heater for £35 a few weeks ago!!!!!!
You'd be better off going for a bigger tank, then getting some nice cichlids in there!!
Thanks for your advice
I'm getting a 10 gallon and i'm gonna fill it with some nice chillids, danios and neon tetras.

I'll show you the pics in a month or two when it's established and the fish are in!

I've decided i'm gonna get a fluval deep 600 and put in about

8-10 Neon Tetras
5 Fancy Male Blue Guppys
3 Electric Blue Haps
4 Tiger Barbs
6 Zebra Danios
2 Blue Bettas

Will they fit?

The tank is only 18 gallons is that enough for all those fish?
Do i have to add any coral, rock etc. (I'm putting in some live plan'ts but not sure which ones :huh: )

Any advice would be great!

Wow, sorry to burst your bubble, but that is gonna be a seriously overstocked tank.
The tetras are ok
as are the guppies,
3 electric blue Haps. I don't know too much about them,but they are Malawi Cichlids, so can become aggressive, and should only be kepty in a dedicated Malawi Cichlid aquarium. They'll also grow to 20cm, and need a significantly bigger aquarium than you are getting for these 3 fish alone. (plus, judging by any large cichlids I have, they'll probably eat your tetras, guppies, and danios!!)
4 Tiger barbs: Tigers should be kept in groups of 6 at least, and preferable 8 or more.
Can't reallycomment on the Danios or Bettas exept to say that if they are 2 Male Bettas, they will fight to the death.

Really sorry to bash your idea so much, but better for me to do that than for you to get all these fish, then wonder why they are all dieing and killing each other.

With an 18 gallon tank, I would say get 1 or 2 of the above species (not the haps though!!). I have a 20g with 8 tiger barbs, and it is one of my favourite tanks. They are great when kept in large groups.
Just to second rvm, two male bettas won't do well together, as one will likely kill the other. Also, male bettas and male guppies don't do well, as the bettas view them as similar looking rivals and will kill them :( Neons and bettas can also be a bad mix, as neons can get nippy with the long tails of the bettas.

If you wanted to have 8 neons + 5 guppies + 6 zebra danios, I'd recommend a tank size closer to 76-110 liters (20-29 US gallons). Also, you might consider swapping one of those schools for a school of bottom-dwelling fish such as a corydoras catfish or a small loach, as the fish you've mentioned tend to inhabit the same region of the tank.

I can't speak for how well neons and danios will go together, as danios are quite active and zippy.

Kudos to you for selecting fewer species and larger schools of fish, as my bias is that that makes for a nicer display than single fish of many species. It's great that you are soliciting advice for stocking.

Hope that's helpful~
Thanks for the advice, i'm glad someone pointed out "what eats what" sort of thing. Many thanks again and i'll get back to everone when my tanks up and running or if there are any problems

Yeah, just wanted to add that it's refreshing to see someone asking these questions before going out and getting the fish, and as for the lots of one species as oppose to one of each, I can vouch for that as well. Like I said, my Tiger Barb tank is really great to watch. always active and fun.
Hope you enjoy your new pals!!!

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