chromide orange cichlid


New Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Tampa, Florida
whats the minimum size tank these fish should be kept in, i seen 2 bright orange ones at the lfs and i have a 20gal right now with a common plec and a 2inch frog (cycled up according to dropper tests), according to some sources online they only grow to 8cm.

any help would be great thanks.
Chromides are a brackish dwelling cichlid from Asia so are neither New World or African cichlids. They cannot live for extended periods in freshwater and should be acclimatised to brackish conditions a.s.a.p. Chromides are not as territorial as their american an african cousins but you will still need a minimum of a 55g to keep a pair.
poor things, they got like 3 or 4 in the tank at the lfs with some other fish in there. they dont look happy, i think ill keep looking for a different fish then (wish i could rescue them but my 55 gal is already full plus its a freshwater tank).


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