Christmas Decorations For Betta Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I was putting up my christmas decorations last night, and I thought it would be nice to decorate my betta tank.
Only thing is, my betta was having none of it! Anything even remotely shiny, particuarly tinsel, that I put even *near* his tank, and he will glare at it and flare up. I even tried plain green tinsel, as I thought maybe it looked enough like a plant for him to ignore it. But nope :lol: He is quite a fiesty bugger.

So now, I am getting stubborn about it. Does anyone have any ideas for some decorations that will be betta-friendly, but still look christmass-y?
I've bought a couple little painted christmas trees decorations they were selling at my lfs, I've put in most of my betta tanks, at first they went nuts flaring at it but now they're just ignoring it. :p
I enjoy sticking bows and ribbons on the outside of my tanks, usually on the hood so they can dangle down the side of the glass. Looks really nice!
I would put small paper snowflakes on the tank--decorative but not colorful to antagonize the fish (but I put paper snowflakes everywhere...)

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