Choosing The Correct Size Of Tetratec Ex Filter


New Member
May 18, 2008
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I wonder if someone can help.

I've decided to buy a Tetratec EX filter for my 130 litre Aqua One 620T to replace the trickle filter in the hood (that I will be modding to accomodate the external filter pipes).

My question is should I get the EX700 or the EX1200. I'd prefer to get the 1200 but would that be too much for a 130L tank since it's designed for 200 - 500 litres? Would I get too much flow ?

The thing is that I plan to upgrade my tank in a year or two to a 250 litre or so tank so I'd like to use it for that.

I have Gourami's, Platies and Rainbowfish.

Any ideas what I should get between the 700 or 1200?

Also, can I simply take the biological media out of the trickle filter and put it in the external filter when changing over? The problem is that I cannot run them side by side due to the required modding of the hood.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

I've got an EX1200 in my 110L - apart from the sand being kicked up a little at the front, it works perfectly. :good:

Don't forget, they have taps on them so you can reduce the flow rate a little if you find it too much.

As for the media, yes, you can do that - in fact, if you leave out the carbon bags supplied (which is a good idea), you'll have a big space there for media anyway, which should be ideal. Just be prepared for a mini cycle while the new filter settles in.
Thank you very much for the helpful replies . Looks like I'll be going for a 1200 which will 'future proof' my purchase.

If you have a Maidenhead Aquatics nearby it's worth bobbing down there to see if they have a "manager's special". We got a Tetratec EX600 yesterday for £35!!! The box was a little battered that's all - so a bargain! They also, well ours does, often have tetratec filter mediua too at really low prices. Have got a nice little stock pile here :)
If you have a Maidenhead Aquatics nearby it's worth bobbing down there to see if they have a "manager's special". We got a Tetratec EX600 yesterday for £35!!! The box was a little battered that's all - so a bargain! They also, well ours does, often have tetratec filter mediua too at really low prices. Have got a nice little stock pile here :)

Ohhh, thanks. I have one not far away. Think I'll give them a call to see if my local branch is stocking them.

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