choosing an aquarium and decorations


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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Hello everyone! I currently have a one gallon fish bowl for two older mickey mouse platties and a smaller aquarium for 11 fry. In a few months when i have enough money to buy an aquarium, i plan to get one that'll be good for all thirteen platties and their future babies.

My question is...what is te appropriate size of aquarium to get? should I also spend some money on live plants? if i choose to get a plant that'll mean i'll need to buy sand for the plant, right?

Thanks for your replies :nod:
My advice is to get the biggest tank you can afford. I started out with just a small tank and every week I was wanting a bigger one......... now I have 5 big tanks!! I also like live plants,and I have them planted in fine gravel. :D
The bigger the tank, the healthier and happier you fish will be, and the easier it will be to keep clean.

Plants look nice and improve the water quality. If you do them right they're also cheaper than plastic plants cos live ones spread by themselves but plastic ones don't. :) You don't need sand, Mine are rooted in gravel with no problems. just make sure you pick plants that are appropriate for your tank, in particular check how much lighting they need!
thanks everyone for your inputs...i really appreciate all of 'em. This forum rocks. It's been almost a month since i bought my platties...went to some other forum for help/advice/inputs...did not get any response. I registered to be a part of this one...bam! I'm getting responses.

THANKS...every advice that y'all give me helps :cool:
get at least 20 gal long [or bigger ] . Larger tanks are much easier to keep stable , to keep clean [ imo] and to keep fish in [ again imo] .

There are many plants that can be planted in gravel instead of sand , also a few that don't even get planted in the substrate at all , check out the plant section of the forums .

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