Choosing A School For A Hardscape-Only Tank


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Hello all, this is my 1st attempt at a hardscape-only tank. I know it's not the best photo with some reflection and shadows, but it gives you an idea. Right now I just have 7 panda corys and 6 old neons that were from my other tank. The neons are 4+ years old so will not replace them.

As I wait for some dwarf water lettuce to provide cover, I am trying to decide what type of fish I want for my main school. After researching lots of tetras and barbs, a couple of my faves are Diamond tetra or drape-fin barb. I LOVE the bright Diamonds, but I've read they grow to about 2.5". I was thinking I should get a school of fish under 2" so I can get a larger school, about 17-19 fish and not be overstocked. I really like a triangular shaped fish for this setup. I've had rasboras and rummies over the years, so looking to get something different in this tank.

Would love to get your opinions on your fave schooling fish.
Hello there.

That wood is truly beautiful. How big is your tank? Depending on the size you may be able to get a decent shoal of the diamonds in there. I have diamonds in my community tank and they are real little characters, like little piranha at feeding time :D
I can recommend either Silver Tips, or Red Eye tetras, I have them and they are great looking shoal fish. The Red Eyes stay really tight, and have a lovely shimmer
Hi, sorry forgot to mention this is a 40g breeder tank, so 36" x 18" x 16". The wood is Northern Catalpa I found on the ground in our local parkway. I saw 2 pieces that looked like a perfect length, so soaked them and dropped them in the tank. I really lucked out as I just tried to mimmick great tanks I've seen on these forums!
Your tank is awesome.
As for tetras if your just doing a single school 15-20 diamonds should be just fine. If you do want something smaller, I personally like black phantoms or red eyes. Another option would be 30 or so neons. That would be quite impressive imo. Good luck keep us posted answer pictures.
Hmmm...on the fish sites, it says the Red-Eye Tetra (very pretty btw) grow to 2.8", which is slightly bigger than the Diamond tetra I am considering. If I'm going to get something other than the Diamond, I'm going to go smaller in size. Right now it stands that the Diamond is in the lead, though I'm concerned about size. Red phantom or the Ornate tetra (white) are close second choices. Thanks for the ideas and keep them coming. I'm sure there are many nice tetras I just haven't seen yet. Thanks so much and I will update with photos once I make a decision. Wish this wasn't so hard :)
Ornate tetras are a good choice.
Another favorite of mine would be one of the emperor tetras or if you can find them black morphos. I think that's the most common name for them.
Wow - I have not ever heard of the Black Morpho! They're cool looking, but care of them is very soft water and they are definitely NOT a schooler, but a territorial fish. I am looking for a schooling species. But this is how I learn about all the fish out there....Thanks.
love that set-up!

rosy tetra would be good - you want something with a nice bright colour that will really stand out against that dark decor.

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