Chocolate Chip?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Has anyone every heard of the Chocolate Chip Starfish? My LFS has about 10 of them in, on sale for $5. They grow about 5".
Pretty hardy, but other than that, I know nothing.

I saw my first moray eel tonight :p
In general, sea star + nano tank = starvation. There may be anecdotal success stories, but, this is mostly the case.

dead sea star = nuked tank, they deteriorate rapidly.

You have to weigh the risk to your tank vs your ability to keep the star alive. SH
What do starfishs' eat though? Algae? I have tons of that ATM :/
That depends highly on species. Most feed on sponges, algae, detritus/gunk and micro-organisms. Like SH has mentioned, even larger marine set-ups (30 gallon plus!) cannot support some species of starfish.

One of the best and successful species of star to keep is the Fromia sp. They are omnivores, and scavange for food. Here is mine:


Have a look at DrFostersandSmith and see if the Chocolatechip star its there?
i don't pretend to know much about starfish (or anything saltwater for that matter...i'm always learning new things) but i've heard that the chocolate starfish are predatory...don't know if that means they eat corals, or cleaning crew, or heaven forbid fish not paying attention...might wanna get a bunch more info before you buy these guys cuz they're cheap
The Chocolate Chip star-fish is a large starfish that has been rumoured to be a fish and invert eater. I would steer WELL clear. If you want a starfish your tank has to be an absolute minimum of 6 months old, ideally longer, and certainly your tank should be as big as possible for it to forrage properly. Maldive starfish, sand sifting starfish and Red starfish are the only ones really suitable for the *smaller* tank.

I got a choc chip star when someone online told me they were a sand sifter. They are not. They can eat inverts (snails, crabs, etc not coral) but mine hasn't. I have also found out you should target feed them as they can't fight for food from the fish. One of the better LFS in my area has one in their display and it is very large. They will eat normal fish foods, just make sure to feed them after feeding any fish. Also they are cool, as they are pretty moble, you won't see them in the same spot twice in a row.
Yeah. I like the red sea star better.
I have 2 choclate chip star fish I have inverts in my tank as well never had a problem with them

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