Chlorine Spike Days After Being Treated


New Member
Oct 17, 2023
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Do you have to regularly treat for chlorine even after initial treatment? I treat for chlorine and it test fine. Days later no water change, no ammonia, but chlorine starts to rise. How is this possible?
Forgive me checking - but do you mean chlorine? I have what I thought to be a pretty extensive test kit and it doesn't include that?
Unless someone is adding new tap water to the aquarium, it should not be developing a chlorine level after you do a water change using dechlorinated water.
Unless someone is adding new tap water to the aquarium, it should not be developing a chlorine level after you do a water change using dechlorinated water.
That's why this is so strange and no one is adding anything.
The test kit could be dodgy.
Are you using liquid or paper test kits?
What's the expiry date on the kit?
Is the test kit kept in a cool dark place?
Paper tabs one with a bunch on there. I don't have chlorine in my API test tube kit.
I agree with a faulty strip... it would be virtually impossible for the Chlorine level to go up without adding some... so now, was the one that tested zero wrong, or the one that tested positive wrong... I always try to verify any goofy test... but sometimes there just isn't 2 different tests... did you do multiple strips that gave you a positive reading???

I would have to believe it would be false positives, as the Chlorine should dissipate over time with circulation or aeration
What dechlorinator are you using? There may still be some that don’t do chloramine? Chloramine breaks down gradually into ammonia (which the filter would remove) and chlorine.

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