Chi's New Tank!


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
finally got this damn thing cycled
took near enough 4 weeks, finally got the nitrites down today with a massive water change and aquarium salt
levels seem ok now, just have to keep an eye on them
the tank is an Aqua One 320
28 litres (about 7 US Gallons)
a good upgrade from his 3.5 US Gallon crappy cheap plastic herp tank!

he doesn't quite know what to make of it though.

what's over here?

mum, what have you done to me!

oo what's over here??


it has a fluval 1 filter, which is a bit too strong for my liking, hence a lot of tall bushy plants for him to cling on to!

i have another one of these to set up and cycle now. for Boo.
exactly the same, only black not silver. pics of that in, guh, probably 4 weeks time!
they cost about the same as those acrylic Eclipse ones you get, only these ones are glass and have a nice light.
the filter they come with is really noisy though, that's why i now have fluvals (which aren't that much quieter, but oh well)
I'm limited to anymore tanks, My mum won't let me have any others downstairs meaning my bedroom can be the only place- I already have 4 in there and a shelving unit for a few more- I sleep on a bunk bed so might take the bottom bit out and add loads more under there
Wow what a spoiled boy! Tank looks great! ^_^ And he has the most adorable face like EVER! I luff him. :wub: :wub:
Aww he does look like he's enjoying it :wub:

Great tank Catxx :D

I have a split tank with a fluval 1 in each end and they soon got used to the flow from it :)
thank you!!

i guess he will just get used to it
seems a bit baffled by it at the moment
was in an unfiltered tank before

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