Chinese Algae Eaters


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
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am not really sure about them any help will be well appreciated thanks :good:
Im no expert on these fish but from what i have read they aren't too good
they can be territorial as they get older and could harass tank mates but shouldnt be too bad when there young and i would recommend keeping only one of them per tank prob they can grow to 6+ inches up to 11inch i think is max

It has a reputation for becoming increasingly jealous of its territory as it matures, and also can be aggressive to fish, especially slow, flat-bodied fish. In the home aquarium, the algae eater makes a poor tank mate. It is very aggressive and boisterous; they often attack other fish and rip off scales, causing infection. It rarely swims to the surface as it likes to be on the bottom of the tank. It is very hardy and can survive in semi-dirty water, plus a wide range of temperatures, 60 - 90F (16° - 32°C), allowing it to be sometimes kept in unheated aquariums indoors
am not really sure about them any help will be well appreciated thanks :good:
They are aggressive territorial fish that grow just under 30CM so they need a large (240L+) well filtered tank.
am not really sure about them any help will be well appreciated thanks :good:
They are aggressive territorial fish that grow just under 30CM so they need a large (240L+) well filtered tank.
I get one to help with some diatom i had in my tank, what i'm gonna do is change him for a smaller one everu 6 months, that way i won't have to worry about him getting to big and to aggressive.
I don't let then outgrow the tank, i purchase then at about 1 1/2" and when they are 3-4" i take it back to LFS and exchange him for a small one again, they're in my tank with the only purpose of eating algae were my snails can't reach.

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