I have 2 Chinese algae eaters, both are small (1 inch), very quick, and devour algae at an insane rate.
I've read that they get to about 5 inches in the aquarium, but for now they do the trick of removing algae.
I have 5 tiger barbs, 5 kuhli loaches, 2 Julii corydoras and 1 praecox rainbow in with them.
I doubt that the chinese algae eaters will be quick enough to attatch to the sides of any of my fish, but i fear for my Julii corys.
How long will it be before these fish start to get aggressive, and how long will it take them to grow?
I've read that they get to about 5 inches in the aquarium, but for now they do the trick of removing algae.
I have 5 tiger barbs, 5 kuhli loaches, 2 Julii corydoras and 1 praecox rainbow in with them.
I doubt that the chinese algae eaters will be quick enough to attatch to the sides of any of my fish, but i fear for my Julii corys.
How long will it be before these fish start to get aggressive, and how long will it take them to grow?