Chinese Algae Eaters


Sep 16, 2003
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I need to do something about the algae in my 60 gallon hex tank. Every week I have to wipe down all of the interior glass to get rid of the algae that builds up in there. The room has tons of windows so I know thats the problem, but there isn't anything I can do about that. I have read that CAE's are excellent but then I think I read on this forum to NOT get them and that they cause problems. What kind of problems? Are they bad right from the start or when they get older? I would get a pleco but I can't find a small one around here. What pleco would you recommend that doesn't get big? Would one be enough? I also have 2 ottos in the tank that do nothing for the algae. It's not really bad, but it's just a pain in the neck doing this EVERY week. I let it go for 2 weeks and just did it today. I would just love a clean up crew to do it for me!!!
Deb :p :p :p :p
I believe the problem with CAEs is that they get aggressive with age or if there's not enough algae. They eat less and less algae with age and can instead attack other fish. I think it's usually by attaching themselves to the sides of the fish with their suckermouths and scraping off the scales. Ugh. :crazy:

Ottos do eat algae, but only two don't have much of chance keeping a tank as big as 60 gal clean all by themselves! You could get a few more of them, because ottos like to be in a group. A larger group will also do better at keeping algae under control.

Another possibility would be Siamese algae eaters, they look kinda like a larger version of the ottos. They're very good at taking care of algae, but the problem is that your shark might get aggressive towards them. They usually don't like any fish that have a similar body shape. So SAEs might not be the best idea.

Then there are the bristlenoses and plecs. I don't know much about them, so someone else can explain how good they are at eating algae.
K I usually recommend the Bristlenose Pleco (ancistrus) I've got 2 at the moment in 2 different tanks and they do a fantastic job of keeping the algae down, when I got my first one I put in the tank and the next day several ornaments had been totally cleaned. They grow to about 5" max so no worries bout outgrowing your tank, as with all plecos though they do put quite a large amount of bioload on your tank. One other thing is that if you get one you'll need a small amount of bogwood in the tank as they need lignin as part of their diet.

I'am with lithril try a bristlenose pleco or perhaps an L no plec if want some colour, CAE's get large, aggressive and soon stop eating algae and turn to their tankmates as a source of food.

David :fish:
But they gro slo. Which is good because you don't want them to become big fish sucking monstars. You have to have them in groups of 2 or more. The bigger the group the less "fish sucking". I have got 2 CAE's and they have never done anything to the fish. You can have the alone, but then they pick on other fish I believe.

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