Chinese Algae Eaters


Nov 4, 2005
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i went out and got 3 algae eaters not realy noing what typ i was looking for i just grabed 3 from the tank that just said algae eaters now they have goten bigger i thort i would try to find out more about what they were cuz im geting anuther big tank and thort i would get a few more and so i went looking on the net and i think they maby Chinese Algae Eater cuz they look like them is there any other thing that may look like a Chinese Algae Eater cuz i have herd Chinese Algae Eater can ride other fishes, sucking off their protective slime coating, ultimately killing them :X oh and i dont have a pic
as bloo says as they grow they do become very aggressive to other fish. we bought one out of ignorance at the start & it was fine till it got to about 2 inches in size when it started harrassing our corys continually. we liked the fish but the more we found out the more we realised it had to go. what other fish are in your tank???
personally id take them back asap no easy to catch but we managed with a home made fish bottle trap it worked a treat. ( do a search on this forum or google to find out how to make one)
let us know what you decide to do
good luck
hmmm when i no that its a Chinese Algae Eater im going to ether returning it or give it to my friend who is getting lots of fish to start up breeding for the pet shops to buy he has arownd 100 tanks now probly more cuz he makes tanks as well as for the fish i have i have difrent kinds of corys a yellow fin ell tail some Gourami a sword tail and a pictus catfish in the next week i will have a second 5 foot long tank befor any one asks im not shore how much water it takes but it should be a lot (oh and i no some of the fish there are ment to be a bad mix but other then the Chinese Algae Eaters i have had all of them for about 3 years and never had a problem oh i have a Siamese Algae Eater as well forgot about him cuz he likes to hide in the cave when hes not eating

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