Fish Crazy
Hi all. I have recently gone through a major plague in my tank. I had five rasboras, a pair of blue paradise fish, one kissing gourami, and a raphael catfish. They had what perfectly fit the description for ich, but did not respond to treatment. I used rid-ich for 6 days, then switched to Mardel's general fungus treatment for three days. Everything died except for the pair of paradise fish. This is a classroom aquarium that has been established for two and a half years. Friday of last week was the last day anything died in the tank. I did an extreme cleaning on Friday because I have read that ich exists in cysts that float around in the water. I took everything out of the tank except for the fish and the gravel and did about an 80% water change. I know this is not generally a "good idea," but I feel that desperate times call for desperate measures. I steralized all the decorations with bleach and rinsed them thoroughly. I don't intend to put them back in the tank until a week has passed. I intended to let the tank sit for a week, and then if my paradise fish seemed fine then decide what to restock the tank with. One of my students came in today with two chinese algae eaters. I would never have bought these in a million years. Frankly, I despise them, but I thanked him and told him I would have to see if they could go with our fish because our fish are aggressive. What should I do? Also, Do you have suggestions of what I could put with the paradise fish? It's a 29 gallon tank with UGF only. TIA!