Chilli has made his first bubble nest


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
I'm made up Chilli has made his first nest and i have only had him 2 days, now i worried that Razzle dazzle isn't happy because i've had him a couple of weeks now andhe has done nothing, is this because he is in the community tank and Chilli has his own tank :-(
If Razzle Dazzle's tank has any current, then he may be blowing a nest, and it's just getting destroyed.

It's possible he's completely happy, that he thinks he's living the good life, and that he's just not inclined to nest. Some males are more prone to nesting than others, regardless of health and happiness.
I've had my Betta for nearly 2 weeks in a 6 gallon tank and he has never made a bubble nest. He seems very happy, he has grown, he comes to see me whenever I look in the tank, he eats everything I feed him and if I have to put my hand in the water he comes to my hand. I am sure he is happy but he has never done more than blow a few bubbles. :S
Case in point:

My little boy who has a severe swimbladder problem and can't seem to get off the bottom of his tank. He's soaking in Methylene Blue, has a severely lowered water level so he doesn't have a LONG way to go to get to air, and perches to keep him near the surface if he wants to be. He's been building nests for me since the second day or so after I got him, and I've only had him for a week. I bought him the way he is.

My VT that I've had for a while. He always used to build nests. Now he doesn't. I'm not worried because he eats well, his fins look good, and he's active. But he hasn't blown a nest for me in well over a month.

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