That's fantastic. They're my dad's hens, I've printed this off for him. Thank u!!
Glad to help
During the summer its best to have a sandy area thats mostly in the sun all day in their pen as chickens like to dust bath during hot sunny weather- its good for them as dusting helps dislodge parasites from under their feathers so the chickens can get rid of them, they also seem to thoroughly enjoy it.
You should change the bedding in their house every 3-6months depending on how quickly it gets dirty and dusty (as stuff like straw disentegrates into dust over time from dust mites and things) to help cut down on parasites like flea's living in the bedding. The chickens shouldn't have a problem with things like flea's, but they'll build up in the bedding over time, but it'll make things easier especially for you so you don't get bitten. Cleaning out and replacing the bedding every 3-6months should help prevent parasites like these
If you have a rooster with your hens who is young and fit and the hens aren't too old and/or knackered out, you'll definately get hens during the summer (well, anytime from early spring to late autum really) trying to sit on their eggs and hatch them out. Rules with egg collecting;
a. Never take an egg directly out from under a hen- it upsets them and discourages them from laying in the same place anytime soon. You could also risk taking eggs from a nest site which a hen is trying to hatch chicks from.
b. Never take warm eggs- you might take eggs which a hen is trying to hatch chicks out of. Hens sitting on eggs trying to hatch chicks out of them sit pretty much 24/7 on their eggs, but they will go out of the nest for a little while everyday to eat and drink but almost always return before the eggs go cold. So you shouldn't take warm eggs just in case the hen is going to return to them. If you don't want chicks the simplest solution is to simply not keep a rooster with them.
So basically you should only take cold and unguarded eggs- eggs should be cold within a few hours of been laid depending on various factors like room temperature and thickness of bedding in nest box etc.
Hens usually need to sit on the eggs for at least a month before any hatch out. Its rare for all the eggs to hatch out- some may not have been fertilised, while others may have got too cold at some point during the incubation etc. Ones with live chicks in them though may not always successfully hatch- sometimes the chick is sometimes just too weak to get all the way out and dies from exhustion or suffocation. If the chick is halfway out of the egg, sometimes you can help them out by removing a couple of sections of the shell to make it easier for them, but never do this if the chick had only just started to break the shell- if its too weak to get past this on its own, it'll most likely be too weak to survive anyway so its better to just leave it to struggle the first few main stages on its own.
The other thing is that the eggs may hatch over many days, the hen will need to go out with the first born chicks to feed them sooner or later and leave any unhatched chicks to die in their eggs as once she has the bulk of the chicks have hatched she is unlikely to return to the nest as regularly as she would if none of them have hatched yet. You can sometimes keep her on the nest for longer with her chicks by providing her with food right next to the nest so she is not as tempted to leave it so early.
Chicks are very cute and loveable little things, but they do die from time to time- the most common cause of death is when hens with chicks attack other hens chicks or when last born chicks (or chicks which were very weak from hatcing) simply cannot keep up with the others. But if you look after them well and keep a close eye on them, most if not all should survive
Its good if you gently speak to the hen while she is incubating her eggs (as long as she doesn't find you threatening and acts defensive) as the way chicks know their mum is by communicating with her while they are still in their eggs (sometimes you'll see the hen communicating with the chicks too- if you listen to an egg which is nearing the end of its incubation sometimes you hear the chick inside cheeping away). If the chicks hear your voice while they are in their eggs they'll be a lot tamer towards you when they hatch- i know this is true too from experience as well
Usually in chicks the males outweigh the females in numbers, usually there is 60%males and 40% females. Because the minimum recommended number of females per male is 3-4, and you don't want the chickens to inbreed too much, you will need to do something with all the males sooner or later as they mature.
We used to kill and eat our excess male chickens to prevent them from inbreeding with the hens and generally out-numberring them, other times we rehomed them whenever we could. You can also sell them at animal markets, but most sold at such markets end up on the plate eventually anyway so you might as well put them down yourself and eat them rather than sell them when you cannot find homes for them (unless of course you are vegetarian or something). I would only recommend this though if you know how to humanely and efficiently kill chickens and prepare them for food consumption, otherwise i'd advise finding someone qualified who can do the job for you.
Anyhoo, 'nuff of the killing and eating of chickens and stuff.
I think you did a great job rescueing these chickens, batttery chickens live a life full of suffering and pain, i really think they should make battery farming illegal- its an aweful way to farm animals. I hope everything goes smoothely for you, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask
They do like affection though, especially have their "ears" gently stroked (they often fall asleep while having this done they like it that much), they can become very tame and can even respond to commands and their names like they are dogs or something. It can take them a while before they are completely trusting of you, but they can very rewarding and endearing little animals to have as pets