

New Member
May 19, 2008
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Hertfordshire, UK
Hi all, there's been a lovely looking fish in my lfs that has been there for ages and I would love to be able to give it a better home than the cramped shop tank it is in.

It is labelled as 'lge chihlasoma' and is around 10". anybody got any ideas what it could be?
Hi all, there's been a lovely looking fish in my lfs that has been there for ages and I would love to be able to give it a better home than the cramped shop tank it is in.

It is labelled as 'lge chihlasoma' and is around 10". anybody got any ideas what it could be?

The 'lge' could mean large and the 'cichlasoma' is basically a genus for species of South American cichlids that I think havn't been classified or scientists are unsure of where to put them. Central American cichlids are technically 'ex-Cichlasoma' but I don't think this matters much in this case, so its basically a new world cichlid that the shop hasn't identified.

Without pictures (or atleast a detailed description might do it) it would be a stab in the dark.
Cichlasoma used to be a catch all name for centrals where taxologists just lumped them together, before they realised this was daft and moved them out. Now, Cichlasoma is used exclusivaly for South American acaras including the port cichlid. Now, for any of the old Cichlasoma, their name is correctly writain "Cichlasoma", but no-one bothers to do that and this is the mess we are left with.
If you could get a photo that would be great, but it is not a true Cichlasoma as they never really get larger than 7". But as said above, Lge does just mean large.

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