Chevy and her fish


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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The reason we got into fishkeeping was because our pets needed pets! :D Here is Chevy watching over her favourite fish


Notice she is so fat that she is almost falling off the filing cabinet :lol:

Here she is keeping the frogs in line


And again, almost falling off the cabinet


And last but not least....Can you spot the kitty in the picture?


Sorry for the blurry pics, I was laughing and I guess I had a hard time keeping still. :rofl:
Ahhhhh I love that last pic - brilliant ! :wub:
My kitty is exactly the same (well not exactly, but you know what I mean) ;)
Our cats, especially Chevy, love all of our fish. We used to have a tank that almost sat on the floor. Chevy and Fritz would sit in front of it for hours trying to figure out how to get into the water and get the fish. They would also swat at the tank at our neons because they moved around so much. I think they love the fish more than we do sometimes.
Very,very cute. That's exactly what got me back into fish keepng like 10 years ago. I bought my cat a coldwater tank so that she wouldn't be bored while I was away at work.
Thanks for the compliment Wuv. I love my Chevy very much, even though she is so fat I have to wash her bottom for her -_-
FishEnthusiast said:
Thanks for the compliment Wuv. I love my Chevy very much, even though she is so fat I have to wash her bottom for her -_-
Well, she is very cute :nod: How old is she?
I'm in the same boat, bought the first tank for the cat's amusement. He ignores the fish............... Actually, the cats are more interested in the lizards......

I love that last shot, too cute.
My cats could not even care much less about the fish these days...except one of them, and he only likes the Betta fry when they get big enough for him to be able to see them.

There is one of them, though, one of the girls...she has something either for or against my newts. She leaves the fish alone, but she is CONSTANTLY attacking the sides of the newt tank whenever she can see them.
I don't trust simba with my betta. He tried fishing a fish out when we had another community tank and we had to keep fish and him apart afterwards. I did get him frogs though...he guarded them too well that he didn't always let me clean their tank. :rolleyes:
I originally got my first tank for my cats too! Mostly one of my cats just likes to drink the tank water. They watch the fish sometimes. Actually, right now Zeno is watching cheech and chong on tv. :lol: wish i had my camera!
We aren't exactly sure of Chevy's age, but we estimate that she is 3-4 years old. My fiance rescued her from a neglectful owner. To look at her now it is hard to believe that she was almost starved to death when we got her. Her previous owner never fed her cat food. If she was lucky she got dog food once or twice a week. Her inner eye lids were almost closed when she came to us. She was so full of worms her belly was bloated and she would vomit them up at least 2 times a day.

I used to have another cat named Crazy. I took him to a friends that had a fish tank. He used to sit with his paw in the water. He wouldn't move it until a fish came swimming by. Then he would try to catch it. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. He used to sit with me in the bath tub. I would get out and he would jump right in and walk around in the water. If we left the toilet lid up, he would stick his tail in the water and he would flick it out all over the bathroom. He really earned the name Crazy.

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