Chevy and Fritz


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I found Chevy and Fritz trying to share one of my rather small kitchen chairs a few days ago, and I decided to snap some pics. It is hard to tell in the pictures, but Fritz is barely holding on. He was given a rather small portion of the chair because Chevy takes up so much room.

Move over and give me some room will you?


No, get your own chair!

Fine, is this better?

A close up of my boy

I have been trying for months to get a good picture of my other cat, Libby, but she hates the camera. We tricked her when our friend came over. He has a camera phone, so he snapped a pic as she went to sniff the phone. So here is Libby, in all her cuteness.

I love the fourth picture it is so cute. I want to nominate it for POTM I think it is so cute... Good luck getting a second one not that you will need it... :kewlpics:
That picture is my desktop right now. I love it too.

Chevy hated Fritz when we brought him home. She was about 9 months old, and he was 10 weeks old. He was feral and very sick when we got him. After about 3 days Chevy decided Fritz was her baby. She has treated him as such since then. We call her the Fritz Licking Machine because all you have to do is put Fritz near her face and she will start to give him a bath. He knows it too, so he will go find her when he is feeling the need for some mothering.

I will never willingly separate these two. To do so would break both their hearts.
Angel Lady said:
I love the fourth picture it is so cute. I want to nominate it for POTM I think it is so cute... Good luck getting a second one not that you will need it... :kewlpics:
I second that ! It's a really great pic ! :D :cool:
All of them are lovely though :nod:
Thanks for the noms.

In that pic they are eyeing my daughter, who was creeping up on them to pet them. I am pretty sure they are both deciding whether it is safer to stay really still and pretend they are statues or to run like hell.

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