Cherry Shrimps


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2012
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does anyone know what fish i can have in a tank with cherry shrimps want to put some in a community tank but just need to see what fish will eat them really
Hi Steve

The only fish that are 100% safe are ottos. As a rule, if a fish can fit a shrimp in its mouth then it is potential food. This applies to baby shrimp, too. Guppies are safe with adult shrimp but will probably eat baby shrimp.

I would let the shrimp grow to adult size before adding any fish if I were you.

Hope this helps.
Baby shrimp can hide quite effectively in a nice patch of java moss, CS will constantly breed, and will be fine with many small/nano fish.

For instance I have a few neon tetra in my CS tank.

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