Cherry Shrimps


Apr 4, 2007
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Okay so this weekend i am probably going to pick up some cherry shrimps and i was wondering if i could put about 3-4 in my 35 gallon tank that has a pair of angels, neon tetras, and a pair of bristlenoses or if they would be eaten. I would also like to know if i could add them to my 20 gallon tank which currently holds angel eggs which are going to hatch in about a day or so. thanks
They should be fine with the Tetras and the Plec but the angel fish might have a go at them. If there is plenty of cover they may be ok but you wouldn't see them very often.

Unfortunatly they might try to eat the eggs as well, although i've never knowingly had eggs in a tank with shrimp they go round picking at everything so would probably find and eat the eggs eventually.
okay thanks. would the angels eat amanos?
Maybe, they're the same size as cherry's but it would be easier for them to hide, then again you wouldn't be able to see them either :lol:
okay thanks. would the angels eat amanos?
Maybe, they're the same size as cherry's but it would be easier for them to hide, then again you wouldn't be able to see them either :lol:

Amanos grow up to be twice the size of Cherry shrimp. They are more likely to be ok, My Betta has never killed on but took care of the few cherry shrimp i had.
Angel will definitely eat them, my angel even eat very big shrimp, they just chase the shrimp and kill it and tear it apart :crazy:

if u really want to keep them together, introduce the shrimp while the tank is totally dark, or sepeart the angel for a few days, this will give the shrimpp some time to get familar with enviroment , so once the fish chase them, shrimp should hide quickly.

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