For anyone who doesn't know, cherry shrimp never get over an inch long, most of them staying about half an inch their whole lives. They are easy to care for and breed.
Anyhow, my mother has been keeping triops at her desk at work, they were HUGE and very old for triops! When she came in today, they were all dead... And I think she may be rather heartbroken. She doesn't like the desk space empty, so she's in a hurry to fill it up again. Because I don't want her facing another loss in 2-3 months, I suggested she buy a 2 1/2 gallon tank instead of her 2 liter vase, and buy some Cherry shrimp, as they are a bit longer lived, great to look at, and a little less specific than triops. She loved the idea. I even suggested she might be able and try and breed them, because they are so easy to breed... But the ones at my local fish store seem to ONLY breed in very small tanks, they've never had sucess in anything but the 2 1/5 gallon display tanks on their desk, and never acutally got them to breed in their 15 gallon breeding tank.
Anyhow, my mom is thrilled with this idea... But told me she really doesn't have room for anything more than a gallon tank. She also last week saw a 1 gallon kit with sand (or gravel, I'm not sure) and a little light and stuff, that she REALLY liked. She told be to go get it for her before she got home, and I told her I would <b>IF</b> I found out for sure 1 gallon is big enough for cherry shrimp.
So, simply put.... IS 1 gallon big enough for 3 or more .5 inch cherry shrimp? I doubt they'll breed in such a snall tank, but if so, the babies can always come home to one of my spare larger tanks, to prevent overcrowding in her tiny tank.
If it is NOT big enough, I'll try and persuade her to let me go buy her a fancy 2.5 gallon tank that will look very nice on her desk.
She wants me to get it before she comes home in 4 hours, which is why I need a quick response!
Anyhow, my mother has been keeping triops at her desk at work, they were HUGE and very old for triops! When she came in today, they were all dead... And I think she may be rather heartbroken. She doesn't like the desk space empty, so she's in a hurry to fill it up again. Because I don't want her facing another loss in 2-3 months, I suggested she buy a 2 1/2 gallon tank instead of her 2 liter vase, and buy some Cherry shrimp, as they are a bit longer lived, great to look at, and a little less specific than triops. She loved the idea. I even suggested she might be able and try and breed them, because they are so easy to breed... But the ones at my local fish store seem to ONLY breed in very small tanks, they've never had sucess in anything but the 2 1/5 gallon display tanks on their desk, and never acutally got them to breed in their 15 gallon breeding tank.
Anyhow, my mom is thrilled with this idea... But told me she really doesn't have room for anything more than a gallon tank. She also last week saw a 1 gallon kit with sand (or gravel, I'm not sure) and a little light and stuff, that she REALLY liked. She told be to go get it for her before she got home, and I told her I would <b>IF</b> I found out for sure 1 gallon is big enough for cherry shrimp.
So, simply put.... IS 1 gallon big enough for 3 or more .5 inch cherry shrimp? I doubt they'll breed in such a snall tank, but if so, the babies can always come home to one of my spare larger tanks, to prevent overcrowding in her tiny tank.
If it is NOT big enough, I'll try and persuade her to let me go buy her a fancy 2.5 gallon tank that will look very nice on her desk.
She wants me to get it before she comes home in 4 hours, which is why I need a quick response!