Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Feb 26, 2012
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I was wondering if a couple of cherry shrimp would be good for my 15 gallon, which contains 3 guppies and 2 platies. I was thinking of a male and a female, so that maybe there could be shrimplets that I could occasionally give to my LFS. :rolleyes: What do you guys think?
Go for it, shrimp add very little to the bioload.
If they breed however, after a while you may need to move some on
That's great! Thank you! Sorry if this sounds dumb, but what do you mean by, "Move some on?" I have a feeling I should get what that means, but I guess I'm just a little brain-dead at the moment! :rolleyes:
I was thinking of getting a few shrimp but do Clown loaches eat them, they seem to eat everything else?
Move some on = send to Lfs or sell on
I think clown loaches would eat the shrimp
Thanks for that! I read through the Shrimp Care Sheet, and I got a little curious about two things: 1) how frequently does molting happen, and am I able to do a water change right after? 2) how much do they actually need a covering over the filter? I can definitely do that, but it might be a little bit of a hassle for me. :fun:
Thanks for that! I read through the Shrimp Care Sheet, and I got a little curious about two things: 1) how frequently does molting happen, and am I able to do a water change right after? 2) how much do they actually need a covering over the filter? I can definitely do that, but it might be a little bit of a hassle for me. :fun:
They moult when they grow, do not however remove the shed as this is a good source of calcium to help them re harden.
You can wrap a tight around the filter intake.

Also be aware that your other fish might eat the shrimplets
I'm glad. :lol: Anything else I should know about them? Like foods, temperature, plants, etc.?
I'd like to know if you guys have any other advice, because I'm leaving to go get the little guys in less than an hour! :hyper: I'll let you know how they settle in soon!
They're all settled in now! I'm pretty sure that I have 3 males, 1 female...would this be a problem? Also, my fish seem to be trying to eat the shrimp. They're not full size yet. At any rate, they seem to be doing really well. They're all over the tank, and they seem really happy! I'm really glad that I got them! ;)
Wish I could! I can't get a seperate tank right now...but hopefully sometime in the distant future. :good:

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