It really depends on what type of fish you are planning on having with them. I have a colony living with various corydoras and Borneo Sucker fish without any issue as well as with some black neon tetras and bristle noses again without issue. My male and female Siamese Fighters however made short work not fully grown cherry shrimp and I have my suspicions that my sparkling gouramis where also harrassing and eating the odd shrimp. I have also just a few weeks ago added some cherry shrimp to an all male guppy tank with some Khuli loaches and so far all seem fine, but I wouldn't put it past the guppies to eat any small/ young shrimplets. Provided the shrimp have planty of cover they should be fine, but just keep in mind that most fish follow the addage that " If it fits in my mouth than it's food".
Also cherry shrimp really do like having some timber to clean and clamber over. I have also given mine the leaves from an Icecream Bean tree and they seem to really enjoy them and have turned really amazing dark almost black red.
Good luck with the cherry shrimp they are great little critters and I have not regreted the day I first got mine.