Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2010
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I just wanted to check the shrimp's bioload - are they the kind of thing which you can have tons of and it won't affect stats, or should I limit them? I know they breed, so I just wanted to check I could keep up

64L tank, 3 platies, 2 silvertip tetras (used to be 5, I won't be replacing them) and a BN pleco
As said they have very little affect to the bioload, but i wouldn't go buy overly loads, they breed well, i got shrimplets already :D
i bought ten or so and 7 months later have a couple of hundred... ! lilfishie - shrimplets are majorly cute arent they :)
have some of mine ive been invaded! all mine are being evicted in a month or so, they are literally pest shrimp now :/


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:hyper: there such a lovely red! send them all to me! just set up a 4gal cherry tank now thinking of using my 15 gal instead :look:
Ahahaha, seems like I'll be getting some ;) Anyone know where I can get some cheapies? P@H sell them at £2.50 each :X

Will the platies eat my shrimplets? I'm quite attached to fry/shrimplets/£2.50
i think a few might get scoffed but if they have plenty of wood and plant cover they are pretty simple to breed. they love moss too that tends to help

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