The questions are in bold!
Okay, I bought some cherry shrimp from a pet store around here. I got 5 of them - I would have gotten more but they were more expensive than I would have liked.
I have a few questions. I bought them to go with my bettas, but they are still a bit small - I was told they'd get bigger, maybe to 1 inch? I think they are 3/4 of an inch right now so hopefully they'll get big enough that they won't just be a betta snack. Right now they are in a bucket by themselves.
I bought some veggie fish food tablets for them, was told that's what they should eat. There is nothing else in the tank except for some java moss. I snapped a tablet into a quarter, but it's still very large and they aren't eating it very quickly. So is it okay if I just leave a quarter of a tablet in there, or should I remove it? I know regular fish food dirties the water, but will this stuff be okay? I think it's some sort of algae tablet. And I don't mind if this thing gets overrun with algae either - the more shrimp food the better. It's breaking down into little granules and it's kind of in a clump at the bottom right now.
I'm hoping they'll breed and have baby shrimp. Anything I can do to have them more likely to have babies and have them survive?
Okay, I bought some cherry shrimp from a pet store around here. I got 5 of them - I would have gotten more but they were more expensive than I would have liked.
I have a few questions. I bought them to go with my bettas, but they are still a bit small - I was told they'd get bigger, maybe to 1 inch? I think they are 3/4 of an inch right now so hopefully they'll get big enough that they won't just be a betta snack. Right now they are in a bucket by themselves.
I bought some veggie fish food tablets for them, was told that's what they should eat. There is nothing else in the tank except for some java moss. I snapped a tablet into a quarter, but it's still very large and they aren't eating it very quickly. So is it okay if I just leave a quarter of a tablet in there, or should I remove it? I know regular fish food dirties the water, but will this stuff be okay? I think it's some sort of algae tablet. And I don't mind if this thing gets overrun with algae either - the more shrimp food the better. It's breaking down into little granules and it's kind of in a clump at the bottom right now.
I'm hoping they'll breed and have baby shrimp. Anything I can do to have them more likely to have babies and have them survive?