Cherry Shrimp - Will My Fish Keep Their Numbers Down?


Constantly learning
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Hello all,

I'm planning on adding around 20 cherry shrimp to my tank.

I'm aware that they are prolific breeders so I'm concerned that I might be overrun quite quickly.

Will these fish eat the eggs/young and help to keep the numbers down?

Dwarf gourami
zebra danios
bristlenose plec
bolivian rams (future tank addition)

Alternatively, has anyone found Maidenhead Aquatics a good place to trade stock for stock/store credit? (I've got about 5 of them within a 15 mile radius)
The3 Bolivian rams will ea any adult cherries they can catch too..

So don't expect to see these shrimp even if they survive, because they will be hiding.
The3 Bolivian rams will ea any adult cherries they can catch too..

I've read differing reports on this, some say the rams will eat them, some say they happily live together. Guess it's another toss-a-coin situation.
I agree with the rams eating some, especially the babies.

I would also say there is a chance the Dwarf gourami would eat the baby shrimp and possibly the adults too.

If the fish don't kill them I expect the shrimp will be quite shy
All the fish you mention bar the bristles will easily manage shrimplets and the rams and gouramies will actively hunt the adults. I dont think you should be worried about ever being in the situation of being overrun as you will be lucky to get any breeding really.
IME bolivian rams will eat cherry shrimp large or small, look at their mouths compared to blue rams, you can definately see theyre better adapted at earth eating than rams, and the bolivian rams normally have bigger mouths.

blue rams are hit and miss...i have never had shrimp eaten by a german blue ram

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