Cherry Shrimp W/eggs


Fish Crazy
Dec 12, 2008
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Salt Lake City, UT
One of my cherry shrimps has eggs!! Anyone know how long until they hatch? Will the mother shrimp try to find a safe place for them? I don't have a breeder tank set up, so i'm hoping some will survive in the tank that they're in. It's pretty heavily planted, but there are plenty of hungry fish/shrimp/frogs who would probably love a baby shrimp snack. Has anyone had any luck with baby shrimp surviving in a situation like this?
One of my cherry shrimps has eggs!! Anyone know how long until they hatch? Will the mother shrimp try to find a safe place for them? I don't have a breeder tank set up, so i'm hoping some will survive in the tank that they're in. It's pretty heavily planted, but there are plenty of hungry fish/shrimp/frogs who would probably love a baby shrimp snack. Has anyone had any luck with baby shrimp surviving in a situation like this?

They will be fine, you are not gonna have a 100% survival rate, but they breed so often that you'll have 100's in a few months.
You may find over a couple of months your shrimp number raises slightly but they will be hunted down and attacked when as shrimplets so plenty of moss would help :)
Try planting MORE plants or buying some moss at your local fish store for your shrimp because they need alot of hiding places since you have fish especially your frog who is a bottom feeder

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