Cherry Shrimp - Sold

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May 10, 2008
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East Yorkshire
I have quite a few cherry shrimp for sale. postage is £7.50 for special delivery before 1pm. Ten for a fiver.
I have quite a few cherry shrimp for sale. postage is £7.50 for special delivery before 1pm.

As soon as the PM system is up and running mate we can exchange details so reserve 10 of the little fellas for me if you will :good: (assuming 10 for £12.50 inc. postage?).
What size are these? I'm after some to go with Dwarf Puffers, who so far have shown little interest in the 4 cherries currently in there, but I think it might be down to size... I fed them some gammarous the other day and the small ones got snapped up whilst the larger ones were completely ignored.
Varied sizes from 1cm upwards to young adults capable of breeding. I wouldn't risk them with puffers myself but up to you
id be interested in buying some, i have pm's you about it, thanks
hey just curious i have a pearl catfish around 5inches would it go after them all the time or just when they shed their skins?
weimster, can i have some tank stats as i would like to know what water conditions theyv been living in

also do you think they would be ok with pygmy cories and dwarf rasboras
They are happy in vritually all general tropical tanks from 23C-27C. I've breed mine in ph of 6.5-7.5. Average current. Lots of hiding places. Feed once a day on a variety of foods, mainly dry but they do eat brineshrimp. They are tough as old boots though as long as you DON'T use chemicals or salt. That said I've used melafix in a tank with some shrimp in and they were fine. copper is a no no.
Yes....certainly will :)

Could I politely ask that people pm me any general enquiries please just to prevent the thread from becoming clogged.

Many thanks
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