The Lost Tapes
New Member
Hello, I have a 75 gal tank that has acidic water (usually around 6.5-7) and I have holey rock in it to buffer PH and KH as my tap is around 6.6 PH. The tank has been stable for months and the only death there was with a Gourami that got stuck in the rockwork and died several weeks ago. I have had Ghost shrimp there for a while and they are all fine. The tank also has a surplus of algae growth. The tank is divided by a plastic divider. I have a small South American Lungfish (Lepidosiren Paradoxa), 2 Bichirs (Senegalus and Delhezi) 2 Pictus Catfish, 6 Silver Dollars and 2 Melon Barbs on one side. On the other side, I have the Ghost Shrimp along with several small Plecos (L333) and several Corydoras catfish as well as a bunch of Molly fry and juveniles. Will this work with Cherry Shrimp or not?