Cherry Shrimp Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2013
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Whats the time frame from a cherry laying its egg to the shrimplet being born ?
I was with a friend who bought some shrimp today. One female and three males i believe. I was studying the tank close just a few hours after he had put them in and saw what i am sure was a baby shrimp getting scoffed by a  tetra . could it be this fast  ? or is it more likely a shrimplet was scooped in at the shop by mistake
Cherries don't lay eggs they give birth to live young.
They carry their eggs under their tail, they're yellow so easy to spot, after about 28/30 days the young hatch & are released

Cherry shrimp fanning her eggs

Baby cherry

what little i know. lol.   How many eggs/babies would it carry at a time. ?  I guess there will be little chance of any reaching maturity in my mates tank as cover is very sparse. What types of thing should you put in that would give the shrimplets a chance. I mean is there any specific plants good for them to hide in ?
Any kind of moss is good for both adult & baby shrimp to hide in.
One of mine has just released her babies, I reckon there's 30+
20-30 average per clutch. Java moss is great, any place where they can go in and the fish can't also work well. The baby shrimp move incredibly fast and can hide in very small areas. I recently transfered from a 6 gallon tank to a 10 gallon. I ended up removing 17 baby shrimp that I had no idea were in there until I started removing the plants and that's in a tank with scarlet badis that regularly prey on the babies.
I  previously scoffed at the idea of keeping shrimp but after seeing my mates i am now considering having my tank contain only  guppies and shrimp, fascinating little blighters. I suspect they could become something of an obbsession. lol
Can cherry shrimp be kept with other types of shrimp and if so could someone please tell me the names of some they would be compatable with.
I really like the idea of having a tank with a few guppies and variety of shrimp.
They can and with some they are actually able to breed. This can be a good thing or a bad depending. Good because it can lead to interesting color morphs, bad because it can lead to ugly color morphs.

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