Cherry Shrimp Problems


Sep 23, 2007
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I added 6 cherry shrimps a couple of weeks ago. I thought they would be fun to watch and add a bit of colour to the tank.

But since then I have hardly seen them :( They hide all the time. And today when I searched the tank and lifted up all the rocks etc, I could only find 3 :unsure:

Tank is cycled and mature (been running 4 months no problems) and all other fish are absolutely fine. There is nothing in there which would eat them I don't think.

It's possible that they are just hiding. Are they usually this shy? And would it help to add more to make them feel more secure?
yeah cherry shrimp are social so add more. It might be that the shrimp are feeling stressed because they might be food. What fish are in you tank?
It's in my sig - they are in the bigger tank as I think the bettas might eat them. One of the boys already chases the amano shrimp but they are too fast for him.
cherry shrimp are very good at hiding under plant leafs etc,
every now and then they will pop up
i wouldnt worry to much
Like everyone has said really. I added 10 cherrys and i think only 6 survived :(

Recently i have been spotting them everywhere. They are funny next to a my filter shrimp that are about 3 inches big! These tiny little red things happily going about there business!!

It has taken them about 2 months to start to venture out. Be patient and stop moving things around and they'll start to show up.
Your fish are not large enough to eat the shrimp, but the tetras may be taking nips at them, making them shy.

They should come out eventually if the tetras are not bothering them.

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