We will have to agree to disagree three-fingers. Mainly because of the difficulty with cleaning a UG. An air driven sponge you can just gently squeeze out in old tank water to remove any excess mulm. With a UG however the most that you can do is vacuum the substrate bed, which is bad if you are breeding shrimp as you will suck young shrimp up at the same time. Plus quite a lot of the detritus will end up under the plate. Also unless you are using quite a fine volcanic gravel the surface area to volume ratio is going to be pretty low really, even a synthetic sponge having more surface area. It also means that your substrate is your only filter, where in a well set up tank your substrate acts as a biological filter in ADDITION to your other filtration, giving even more biological surface area.
Then there is the simple fact that even with an air driven you will lose shrimp underneath the filter plate, shrimp climbing down the airlift tubes. If one gets down there and dies you are looking at an ammonia spike that will do the tank no favours at all.
Having said all this I don't use air driven sponges either in shrimp tanks, preferring to use modified internal filters packed with sintered glass media. They're quieter running, easier to maintain and do an excellent job of maintaining very high water quality.