Cherry Shrimp Observation


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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I was wondering if anyone else had ever noticed their cherry shrimp getting fine white bands over thier backs? One of my large females that is a nice red has now also got some cotton thin white bands going along her back. I don't know if this might be because she is about to shed or because some where along the line she is a cross breed. I will point out that I am in Regional Queensland in Australia and cherry shrimp have only just really become available in my area, and I am having a great deal of trouble even finding anyone in Australia selling Crystal red shrimp.

Any thoughts :/
Loads of mine have little bright white lines! I thought it was just my reject ones :D
I wonder if I could just ask in here. What is the best thing to
Feed cherry shrimp? I have 3 and I thought they would eat what my fish miss, which they do.

They have also hollowed out a few snails (scary(

They live at the bottom of my fry tank (is that ok)
My fish get flakes, baby brine shrimp, spirullina, cyclops and liquifry.

Should I put down an algae wafer or something for the shrimpies?
I wonder if I could just ask in here. What is the best thing to
Feed cherry shrimp? I have 3 and I thought they would eat what my fish miss, which they do.

They have also hollowed out a few snails (scary(

They live at the bottom of my fry tank (is that ok)
My fish get flakes, baby brine shrimp, spirullina, cyclops and liquifry.

Should I put down an algae wafer or something for the shrimpies?

My cherry shrimp seem happy enough eating my fish flakes, cleaning the various plants in the tanks as well as getting algea wafers and sinking shrimp pellets. Really they don't seem terribly fussy about what they get to eat and also enjoy eating defrosted bloodworms. I think as long as they get a good variety of foods just like your fish the shrimp will do well. They would probably also really enjoy some zuchinni, cucumber and even pumpkin.
Oo I have just found out about cucumber! Just made my pleco a cucumber kebab ;)

Will make a small one for my shrimp too


Has anyone noticed their shrimp devouring snails??

Not that I'm complaining, snails drive me mad!

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