Fish Herder
I haven't added anything to my tank for months (until 2 days ago) but I've noticed over the past several weeks that I've got a small number of black cherry shrimp.
It can't be a cross because the only other shrimp are Amano's.
When the shrimp went in (early this year) there were 10 RED cherry shrimp and 10 Amano.
The cherries have bred, I've no idea how may I have right now but I have at least 4-6 black ones - they all seem to have a orange stripe down their back.
I've googled and some sources suggest Malaysian shrimp - but I can't see how as I haven't added anything - not even plants, so if that's the case they must have teleported in!
Other sources suggest that it's a natural mutation to the wild type.
It can't be a cross because the only other shrimp are Amano's.
When the shrimp went in (early this year) there were 10 RED cherry shrimp and 10 Amano.
The cherries have bred, I've no idea how may I have right now but I have at least 4-6 black ones - they all seem to have a orange stripe down their back.
I've googled and some sources suggest Malaysian shrimp - but I can't see how as I haven't added anything - not even plants, so if that's the case they must have teleported in!
Other sources suggest that it's a natural mutation to the wild type.