Cherry Shrimp Mia


New Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Devon, UK
I know from reading on here that shrimp are good at hiding, and that if you never see them it may be that they aren't happy in the tank. I bought a pair of Cherry Shrimp for my 5gal Hex tank 2weeks ago. They spent the first couple of days exploring the tank, then took to hiding either in the single plastic plant or in the single ornament in the tank. there's no other cover for them to hide in. I haven't seen them for over a week, and i upended the ornament tonight while changing the water but didnt see them. i have spent a good while daily inspecting the only plant in the tank but to no avail. i have had the lid off and had a good look in there, even had a look under/behind the tank, no shrimp!

now where could they have got to?

There are fish in the tank too, but i dont think they could have eaten the shrimp, they're only little fellas! serpae tetra, neons, endlers. i'm baffled by this and a little disappointed as the shrimp are cool.
to be honest, it's possible that your fish may have eaten the shrimp. If the shrimp dies, it's just like fresh meat lying on the sand/gravel. My guppy ate one of my dead shrimps before too. Shrimp dieing is common because they are such little creatures, its normal, just move on :).
ah, ok thanks milk. was i supposed to give them special food? my LFS said they would just eat algae off the tank floor
ah, ok thanks milk. was i supposed to give them special food? my LFS said they would just eat algae off the tank floor

Algae wafer's are good for shrimps.

You mean, just plain algae growth on the tank's glass?! :huh: -_-
ah, ok thanks milk. was i supposed to give them special food? my LFS said they would just eat algae off the tank floor

SHRIMPS dieing is not a common occurance the only time i lose any of mine is if they get into silly places or get munched when they have just shed and are not protected

shrimps should have their diet supplemented , i feed mine every other day as i dont have much algae in my tank and if they had to survive on that they'd starve to death

Shrimps enjoy eating many things , frozen / fresh brine shrimp , blackworms , bloodworms and also butternut squash , cucumber , courgette , potato and apples and various sinking pellets and wafers
Shrimp food should be left in the tank for 2 hours then removed - unless its veg , that can be fed last thing at night and removed in the morning
Many people dont realise that there really isn't enough algae in most peoples tanks to sustain the shrimps long term

If you have added any treatments containing copper that would also kill the shrimp and high nitrates are not good for them , any traces of ammonia and nitrites will also kill shrimp - they like perfect water quality - If you fill your tank with water from the hot tap - to warm the water up you could also be adding copper to the tank

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