I got a new Rena 2foot tank on sunday for my corys as i want some bigger fish in my bigger tank and don't want them upsetting my corys but the new fish would eat my cherry shrimp i think so could i put them in the smaller tank with my corys? would they eat cory eggs if they ever had any?
Also is a 2 foot tank big enough for corys? its 24inch long 15inch deep and 12 inch high ive got 6 bronze and 2 sterbai only 1 sterbai is in at the moment though the others poorly in his own 10gal.
Also is a 2 foot tank big enough for corys? its 24inch long 15inch deep and 12 inch high ive got 6 bronze and 2 sterbai only 1 sterbai is in at the moment though the others poorly in his own 10gal.