Cherry Shrimp In Cory Tank.


Dec 17, 2009
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I got a new Rena 2foot tank on sunday for my corys as i want some bigger fish in my bigger tank and don't want them upsetting my corys but the new fish would eat my cherry shrimp i think so could i put them in the smaller tank with my corys? would they eat cory eggs if they ever had any?

Also is a 2 foot tank big enough for corys? its 24inch long 15inch deep and 12 inch high ive got 6 bronze and 2 sterbai only 1 sterbai is in at the moment though the others poorly in his own 10gal.

Thanks :good:
I got a new Rena 2foot tank on sunday for my corys as i want some bigger fish in my bigger tank and don't want them upsetting my corys but the new fish would eat my cherry shrimp i think so could i put them in the smaller tank with my corys? would they eat cory eggs if they ever had any?

Also is a 2 foot tank big enough for corys? its 24inch long 15inch deep and 12 inch high ive got 6 bronze and 2 sterbai only 1 sterbai is in at the moment though the others poorly in his own 10gal.


What fish you getting in your tank that would upset the cories?

How many cherry shrimp you got, i could take some off your hands if you like :) Hows the BN coming on?
i just told the mrs that they would get bullied so i could buy another tank for just the corys to be honest lol ive got around 10 cherry shrimp im sure theres more though there allways hiding under the bogwood only the big ones come out in the day.

The BN is doing great she (i think) is alot bigger than when you gave it me so its doing well.

Ive got no idea what fish i want for the bigger tank yet im having a search on the net but without names its quite hard its only got 5 black skirt tetras and a few guppys/platys and the BN in it at the moment and all but 2 of the guppys are going. its a 3ft juwel its looking good now though ive got a nice big bit of bogwood in it and a good selection of plants/moss now.
I got a new Rena 2foot tank on sunday for my corys as i want some bigger fish in my bigger tank and don't want them upsetting my corys but the new fish would eat my cherry shrimp i think so could i put them in the smaller tank with my corys? would they eat cory eggs if they ever had any?

Also is a 2 foot tank big enough for corys? its 24inch long 15inch deep and 12 inch high ive got 6 bronze and 2 sterbai only 1 sterbai is in at the moment though the others poorly in his own 10gal.

Thanks :good:
cherry shrimp will be fine in a cory tank i put amanos in mine to get any uneaten food and generally tidy up after the corys.... theyve not even gone near any eggs so im sure cherries will be fine.
9 adult corys in a 2 foot tank is kinda pushing it in my eyes as they would benefit from more room, as you know they are very active/playfull fish when happy and may feel a bit trapped.... i know they are trapped but you get what i mean.....!
Well i havnt moved the sterbai yet so il leave him in the bigger tank and just leave it at 6 bronze corys for the 2 foot.

Il move the cherrys in there too if i can catch them i don't really want to have to move everything to get to them though lol.


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