Cherry Shrimp Fry


Fish Herder
Sep 29, 2006
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I counted my young cherry shrimps and i have 49! Is this a small amount , a great amount? What are your experiences-its certainly the most i've ever had :good:
I counted my young cherry shrimps and i have 49! Is this a small amount , a great amount? What are your experiences-its certainly the most i've ever had :good:

I could never count all of mine :( lol

but a lot.

then they'd die within 2 weeks. :hyper:
These are 3 weeks old-theyre all out tonight and easy to count but they do hide under the slate so there could be more............
I would say once a month i lose an adult-out of the blue-healthy one day then upside down in my endler tank. Maybe they are a weak strain.
Is that all from 1 shrimp? Most I've had that I can count is 18 babies (all same size give or take), but thats from 2 females in a tank with fully grown guppies which probably made easy meals out of most of the young.
I think so shroob. I have only seen one female pregnant - the other two havent had any eggs to see yet.(If they are female too.)
I have absolutely no idea! My cherry shimpr are housed in an extremely well planted aquarium with bog wood and coconut shell caves, moss, dwarf hairgrass...... It's a wonder I see my shrimp really.


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