Cherry Shrimp & Fluval Edge


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2011
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Hey all

I took the plunge and got my second tank this week, Decided on a Fluval Edge for the kitchen. Now my intentions for the tank is its going to have 5 or 6 neons in, some cherry shrimp and then something else (my idea is a betta but im 50/50 on it at the minute due to level has to be lower)

Now I was wondering what the ideal amount of cherry shrimp to get would be? I was thinking 3 but everywhere I have seen are either trying to sell them off in groups of 5 or more or in some cases (online) only selling them off in large amounts. Is 5 too many for this tank?

Secondly I want to have some plants in (my first planted tank) Ive got some black pebbles for the substrate and I have a piece of bog wood in the tank but I wanted some small plants that the shrimps would like that also dont require a lot of extra care. "moss" is what ive been looking at today but I could do with some ideas?

Hey all

I took the plunge and got my second tank this week, Decided on a Fluval Edge for the kitchen. Now my intentions for the tank is its going to have 5 or 6 neons in, some cherry shrimp and then something else (my idea is a betta but im 50/50 on it at the minute due to level has to be lower)

Now I was wondering what the ideal amount of cherry shrimp to get would be? I was thinking 3 but everywhere I have seen are either trying to sell them off in groups of 5 or more or in some cases (online) only selling them off in large amounts. Is 5 too many for this tank?

Secondly I want to have some plants in (my first planted tank) Ive got some black pebbles for the substrate and I have a piece of bog wood in the tank but I wanted some small plants that the shrimps would like that also dont require a lot of extra care. "moss" is what ive been looking at today but I could do with some ideas?


Anubias, java fern, most mosses, and some vallis would do alright under low lighting. For cherry shrimp, they are so small, growing to a max of about an inch and produce such small bioloads there really isnt a minimum or maximum. Even if you got just 3 and happened to get like 1 female and 2 males, they would breed regularly. I started out with about 10 in my planted tank and now 6 months later, I probably have 70. Where are you located? I wouldnt mind sending some if youre in the US.
Another cool thing about them is they will only breed until the colony reaches a maximum number(which depends on the size of the tank). They most definately do better in planted tanks and depending on your lighting, the color of your background and substrate, there reds become more intense or become more clear in color. IE: the darker your substrate and baxkground, the more vibrant red they are. Lighting has a similar effect but to a lesser extent.
Thanks for the offer but I live in the UK.

I didnt know about their breeding patterns so thanks for the heads up on that, its only a 23l tank and my only worry was they would go crazy and Id wake up with hundreds of them:)

another quick question As im new to planted tanks. Do the plants go in only after the tank has been cycled (which im starting today) or can they be put in earlier?
Thanks for the offer but I live in the UK.

I didnt know about their breeding patterns so thanks for the heads up on that, its only a 23l tank and my only worry was they would go crazy and Id wake up with hundreds of them:)

another quick question As im new to planted tanks. Do the plants go in only after the tank has been cycled (which im starting today) or can they be put in earlier?

Personally, I would do it after. It can be done during though.

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