Cherry Shrimp And Apple Snails


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2010
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I have a planted tank with two Apple Snails and a fast growing population of Cheery Shrimp, just wondered whether I should be putting in any food or will they just feed off keeping the tank clean? I dont get hardly any algae growth. There is a lot of bushy plants which they spend most of their time in and Java Moss which they seem to like.
I have a planted tank with two Apple Snails and a fast growing population of Cheery Shrimp, just wondered whether I should be putting in any food or will they just feed off keeping the tank clean? I dont get hardly any algae growth. There is a lot of bushy plants which they spend most of their time in and Java Moss which they seem to like.

Add algae wafers :)

Also red cherry shrimp LOVE blood worms :)

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