Cherry Shrimp And A Thankyou.


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2008
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I am doing ok with my fish, everything runs like clockwork at the mo (heres hoping it stays that way :rolleyes: ) didnt want to go marine, so thought id enter the world of cherries.
I know they are not spose to be hard to keep but I didnt do well with the last lot earlier in the year, now with more research, knowledge (gained from here thanks guys) and experience, water changes, stats, enviroment etc, I do ok with the amano shrimp and thought id have another go with cherry shrimp.

Yesterday I got my cherry shrimp :hyper: they have been in the tank 24 hours with some fry that were sent as well ive had no fatalities, ive tested my water everything ok, and they all seem happy. :hyper:

So thanks to all for the wealth of information and support on here and a big thanks to 5teady for sending them down, promtly and well packaged.

oh and heres hoping it all goes well this time. (fingers crossed)

Soon you shall be setting up a multitude of small tanks to raise several different species. Then the transformation shall be complete! :rolleyes:

The cherries should be fine, especially if you're keeping amanos with no problems.

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