Cherry Shrimp Amano Shrimp


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
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I want to get some shimp for my 70 gal tank.
What are the advantages of cherry vs amano?
I'm told cherries are better at clearing algae - is that true?
Also they will be housed with a dwarf gourami (along with tetras) will they be in any danger of being eaten?
Cherries are better in getting ridding algae in that they'll eat certain types that the amanos won't touch. The amanos' advantage is that they get bigger, which means they'll be less of a target.

Dwarf gouramis and tetras (the smaller ones, I'm assuming) should be fine. Perhaps someone who has kept them together can confirm this for you?
Cherries are better in getting ridding algae in that they'll eat certain types that the amanos won't touch. The amanos' advantage is that they get bigger, which means they'll be less of a target.

Dwarf gouramis and tetras (the smaller ones, I'm assuming) should be fine. Perhaps someone who has kept them together can confirm this for you?

They are fine with them.

I have about 20 cherries now in with my neons/guaramis/platies/loaches/guppies etc and they are trhiving... i do have a nice javaclump they hide in though.

I also had 50 in a breeding tank i bought a few weeks ago.... now there are about 200 in there!
Warning - noob here, but for what it's worth:

I picked Cherries because I preferred the look of them.

I've got a fairly new tank with 6 Cherries in with 4 Harlequins, 6 Cardinal Tetras, 2 Guppies & 2 Leopard Cories (and 2 Apple snails & ??? ramshorn stowaways that I'm trying to eliminate).

The only one I've seen have a go was the biggest of the Harlequins, but when he got close enough decided against it :)

Mind you, I'm not sure how many of the Cherries are still there as they seem to love playing hide and seek. The most I've seen recently was 5 at once,
but usually I only see 2 or 3 at a time. Going to try and grow some Java moss around for them to play in ;)

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