Cherry Barbs


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
I was just wondering if 5 Cherry Barbs could go in a 20 gallon? The fish I have in my 20 are...

1 Angelfish (would they get along ok?)
2 female bettas (moving to my moms tank)
2 kuhli loaches
4 cory's

Would the barbs be ok in my 20 gallon?

Thanks in advance :)
Never kept angels so i don't no if the cherry barbs will nip there fins.
Cherry barbs are not schooling fish. They do better in pairs. However, they also aren't realy nippy so would be ok with the angels. I just wouldn't go for 5 of them - maybe get a single male and female or maybe 2 pairs but leave it at that since they are a little territorial and like having space (not that they are aggressive).
My husband got me 5 on friday, as he couldn't get what i wanted, so read up on them, like to be kept in pairs, anyway they are getting on great, and if they didn't i could put them in my other tank a pair of them, yes they are not a shoaling fish.
Just thought I would share my experience with my cherry barbs. I currently have 6 of them, all males in a 3foot 35 gallon tank with several golden and tiger barbs. From what I have read and from everyone in these forums will tell you is that the males will fight if put together... This may be the case, but not for me at all. They have always gotton along very well, and have so for nearly a year now.

I cant see you having a problem with 5 of them, regardless of there sex, they should be fine. I would suggest that you go for it as they are very nice fish to keep.

I don't think they would nip your angles at all, they show no aggression in my tank and have never nipped at anyone.

Good luck.
i have 3 of them in my community tank and they are absolutely the most peaceful of all the fish. they don't bother any of the other fish and the other fish don't bother them. i'm not sure if mine are male or female, but i guess it doesn't matter because they all get along :)

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