Cherry Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2007
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Well I've had tropical fish for almost 6 years, although we changed tank about 6 months ago after encountering too many problems with the first. In that time we've never been successful in breeding (not that we've ever intended to) and only once seen platy fry but they were eaten within a few hours.

However a week ago we notice Cherry Barb babies and have now counted 8. From estimates of size, when they first appeared they were already 2/3 weeks old, so they must have been hiding somewhere. How could they have survived and what are the chances that this will happen again? We only have had the original Cherry Barbs for about 8-12 weeks.

In the tank we have:

2 adult Cherry Barbs (1 was killed today because they were suffering too much) ; 8 babies
1 Glowlight Tetra
1 Pleco (medium / large)
2 Clown Loaches (medium)
1 Pokadot Loach
1 'Other' Loach (Name escapes me - blacky/brown with whit vertical lines)
3 Peppered Corydoras
2 Spotted (?) Corydoras
2 Filament Barbs (large)
2 Gouramis
3 Sunset Wag Platties
1 Red Platy
1 Random Platy {blue to dark blue with red tail}
1 Swordtail
1 Red Tailed Black Shark
2 Algae Eaters (1 large)

As you can tell, it's a busy tank at all levels! So I'd be glad to know if this is a regular occurance and that I've just previous been unlucky, or whether I could see more Cherry Barbs. The female which bred is the one that has survived we believe as the other female that did die never stayed near the others. When these Cherry Barbs grow up will they be ok as long as there are more females than males? The adult male is very red again as well.

Thanks for any advice or information you can offer!
If the tank is heavily planted they would have a chance, or maybe even rockwork or wood to hide under.
Ok, we do have a few plants, but also a red rock where they swim around at the moment. Due to the fact, that I am looking at the tank extra carefully, I've noticed a tiny baby, clear except for a tiny red flash, could this be the start of another lot of babies? :eek: From size the other Cherry Barbs are at least 5 weeks old and I read somewhere they can breed every three weeks?
They do breed rediculously fast. I just got one male and 2 females yesterday, and today i get home from school and theyre really going at it spawning like crazy all day. Im wondering if the parents are going to eat the eggs in the next few days or even the offspring when they hatch. As long as I have plenty of plants and cover will they be ok? or should i just relocate the other fish to allow the fry their own tank?
If my experience is anything to go by then they'll be ok. The one week Cherry Barb I saw seems to be doing fine and is indeed hiding in a mixture of plants we have planted closely together on one side.

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