Barbus titeya has been listed as vulnerable and conservation dependent since 1988, but nearly extinct is perhaps a little too strong. I do, however, agree that if you have the facilities, and a market for your fish, breeding is very worthwhile.
I have bred these several times. The info above is okay. Water should be neutral or slightly acidic, but I'd say no more then 5-6 degrees hard, more then that and the fish will spawn, but the proportion of eggs that hatch starts dropping quite markedly.
I usually put the female in the breeding tank the day before to allow her to familiarise herself with the setting, male goes in at lights out - you want them to go straight to sleep. I cover the tank if it is going to get light early. As soon as they have finished spawning get them out as they are very adept at finding the eggs which they will eat.
The fry are delicate, make sure the water quality in the breeding tank is kept high.