Cherry Barbs and Rummynose Tetras


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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Hi everyone,
Im going to be getting a tank with these fish already in it. So I was wondering about them. Are there certin types of fish that do not get along with them or that they dont get along with? What types of fish can be put them them? I should add there are 2 cherry barbs and 2 rummynose tetras.
Thanks in advance :D
The tank is a 20 gallon. Im so excited! :p So you say about 4 more rummynose tetras? Are they schooling fish?
Do these fish get along with angels, guppies, mollies, and platies?
Thanks :D
Rummys are shoaling fish. I wouldnt reccomend them for a 20gallon as they do shoal very close together and need a long tank for this.

Are there all ready rummys in there?
She has 2 RN's already. Yes, these are a shoaling fish best kept in a group of at least 6. The barbs are best as a pair.You could keep a few guppies with them, Platies and especially some Mollies grow quite large. In a small tank, you will rapidly find yourself overstocked - with all the problems that brings.
Ok I will ask on the other board about the angels. Are these fish the cherry barbs and the rummynoses agressive at all?
No, generally not at all. Most shoaling tetras can be more aggressive in small numbers as they feel more threatened, but RN's are not really nippers. Cherry Barbs leave everyone alone, unless you have a couple of males, and they don't like each other. They can fight with each other.

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